What is penetration testing? All you need to know before hiring a penetration testing company

Penetration testing is a simulation of a cyber attack aimed at gaining unauthorized access to targeted systems and data. It involves detecting the existence of targeted systems and applications, analyzing them, and evaluating whether they contain vulnerabilities, followed by exploiting these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to systems and data.

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What is cybersecurity and why does it matter?

Cybersecurity is the effort to protect computers, servers, software applications, mobile devices, critical systems, networks, and data from potential digital attacks. In this context, personal information, accounts, files, and even financial assets are safeguarded.

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Protect your mobile devices with top-notch cybersecurity measures

Mobile devices have become our trusty companions in today’s fast-paced world, seamlessly blending into our daily lives. They are not just gadgets; they’re like little assistants that keep us connected to work, family, and friends while making life easier with countless helpful features.

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What is Zero Trust model?

Trust, but verify is a popular Russian proverb that emphasizes the importance of validating information and not blindly relying on it. This proverb gained further prominence when U.S. President Ronald Reagan used it frequently to discuss relations with the Soviet Union.

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