What is cybersecurity and why does it matter?

What is cybersecurity and why does it matter?

Cybersecurity is the effort to protect computers, servers, software applications, mobile devices, critical systems, networks, and data from potential digital attacks. In this context, personal information, accounts, files, and even financial assets are safeguarded.

Organizations providing cybersecurity services require cybersecurity measures and tools to prevent sensitive or valuable data from falling outside the scope of authorization or being exploited by threat actors, as well as to prevent unusual activities and disruptions in the operational context. Establishing a digital security and protection system among all living and non-living elements within the system is the most crucial requirement for ensuring cybersecurity.

Why is cybersecurity important?

On a global scale, the increasing use of cloud services and the growing number of devices connected to the internet have fueled a similar increase in the number of cyberattacks. In recent years, a significant increase in cyberattacks has been reported. The rising number of attacks renders traditional defense and protection methods insufficient, and new approaches are needed. Attack methods are as variable and potent as defense methods, so expecting flawless results from any security system would be inviting cybersecurity threats.

Cybersecurity is needed for all systems, users, and devices connected to the internet. Cybersecurity is not a single-step process; it is a multi-layered system that requires collaboration. The use of open networks, in particular, creates significant and lasting security vulnerabilities for users and systems. When system updates and security software are not up-to-date, serious threats are encountered. The most important step for individual users to protect themselves from cyberattacks is to avoid similarities and repetitions in password usage and refrain from sharing personal information on public networks.

Many users fall into the trap of fake website links and share their personal data on unsafe websites. In recent years, phishing attacks and social engineering have revealed that users are often unaware and create security vulnerabilities by clicking on posts and links from untrusted accounts. Large companies and organizations suffer substantial losses every day, and, therefore, they are increasing their investments in cybersecurity. The most important of these investments is employee awareness training.

What is the goal of cybersecurity?

The goal of cybersecurity is to protect systems, networks, data, and, in general, information technology systems from attacks, and to close security gaps by preventing unconscious usage.

If we list some of the most well-known cybersecurity risks:

  1. Malware Injection
  2. Phishing, Smishing, Vishing
  3. Ransomware Attacks
  4. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (MiTM)
  5. Social Engineering
  6. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
  7. Insider Threat

Cybersecurity services can be divided into two main categories according to the style of conduct: red team (offensive) and blue team (defensive). However, it is important to mention a service called the purple team, which combines the use of both methods.

  • Red Team simulations meticulously test a company’s security devices, networks, and physical controls to assess their resilience against real-world attacks.
  • Blue Team analyzes systems to detect security vulnerabilities and strengthen defenses, providing protection against potential cyber threats.
  • Purple Team enhances collaboration between the Red Team and Blue Team, combining attack and defense strategies for effective cybersecurity operations.

Fundamentally, cybersecurity services include penetration testing, cloud security, cybersecurity consulting, sensitivity assessment, security code analysis, security development, cyber intelligence, secure web hosting, ISO 27001 consulting, cybersecurity training, and secure application development and more.

Protection from cyberattacks is more detailed and effective for businesses, especially those engaged in corporate activities. Companies seeking ISO 27001 certification must receive services that meet their annual cybersecurity needs, including penetration testing (mandatory), cybersecurity awareness training, DDoS testing, and social engineering (nice to have).

How to protect your business against cyberattacks?

For a business to be secure against cyberattacks, it must engage in vulnerability management, pentesting, risk assessment, cybersecurity training, and various other activities such as hardening and internal audits. To eliminate long-term cybersecurity issues, businesses should regularly identify vulnerabilities and threats through phishing scenarios/simulations and provide cybersecurity training to employees/users. Cybersecurity is the result of a detailed and organized effort.

When organizations do not acquire cybersecurity services from the right source, security vulnerabilities remain unaddressed and continue to threaten the system. Data security and privacy are left wide open to exploitation. Cybersecurity fundamentally requires technical knowledge and expertise, and results are achieved not by budget but by selecting the right service provider of which experts’ holds specific certifications and has a trusted and corporate identity.

Many firms suffer significant losses by entrusting their data security to unauthorized or unqualified employees, as cybersecurity involves processes such as attack planning, discovering and addressing vulnerabilities, and closing the gaps using pragmatic hacking activities for the benefit of the business.

If you want to dive deeper into the world of cybersecurity or explore how Vitriol can help your company, check out our blog posts or drop us a line. Remember, safety comes first, and staying aware is key to a smooth digital journey.